Minggu, 22 Maret 2015

[B897.Ebook] Ebook Secretos Revelados de Kriya Yoga (Spanish Edition), by J Stevens

Ebook Secretos Revelados de Kriya Yoga (Spanish Edition), by J Stevens

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Secretos Revelados de Kriya Yoga (Spanish Edition), by J Stevens

Secretos Revelados de Kriya Yoga (Spanish Edition), by J Stevens

Secretos Revelados de Kriya Yoga (Spanish Edition), by J Stevens

Ebook Secretos Revelados de Kriya Yoga (Spanish Edition), by J Stevens

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Secretos Revelados de Kriya Yoga (Spanish Edition), by J Stevens

Secretos Revelados de Kriya Yoga: �Por fin, el libro, Kriya Secrets Revealed, escrito por J.C. Stevens (2013), est� disponible ahora en espa�ol! (�Finally, the book, Kriya Secrets Revealed by J.C. Stevens (2013), is available in Spanish!)

Traducido meticulosamente por Federico Ramos (de Uruguay), esta versi�n en espa�ol refleja bien el original en ingl�s, y ofrece todo lo que uno espera de un libro de Kriya Yoga, la ciencia antigua de la India que puede llevar al practicante de Kriya a su mayor nivel de experiencia espiritual y realizaci�n de s� mismo.

�Este no es un libro de Kriya ordinario! Incluye todas las t�cnicas de varias l�neas principales de Kriya Yoga, incluyendo los seis pasos completos de Kriya de Lahiri Charan Mahasaya (el fundador del Kriya moderno), los 144 Kriyas de Babaji, la versi�n original de 1930 de Kriya de Swami Yogananda, y otros linajes. Cada pieza de material que posiblemente podr�a ayudarle para maximizar los resultados de la pr�ctica de Kriya se encuentra en este libro. El material ha sido diligentemente dise�ado para proteger fuentes an�nimas y para respetar todos los derechos reservados. Es, esencialmente, una s�ntesis de cada concepto o t�cnica posible que le ayudar� a entender el Kriya Yoga como nunca antes. Todo el material utilizado en Secretos Revelados de Kriya Yoga ha sido meticulosamente arreglado en lecciones con instrucciones, paso a paso, incluyendo citas de Lahiri Mahasaya que reci�n se han traducido en un estilo f�cil de entender. Nuevos gr�ficos tambi�n han sido dise�ados para ayudar a explicar las t�cnicas. Adem�s de la instrucci�n exigente en diversas t�cnicas de Kriya, el libro tambi�n analiza la teor�a y la filosof�a de Shyama Charan Lahiri (aka Lahiri Mahasaya), con el fin de ayudarle a alcanzar el n�cleo de la filosof�a de Kriya Yoga. De principio a fin, fue escrito para ayudarle a liberarse de todo lo que dificulta la pr�ctica de Kriya. Si usted ya es miembro de una organizaci�n existente de Kriya, la informaci�n contenida en este libro puede sorprenderle o incluso desafiar sus creencias. Por favor, entienda que simplemente estoy transmitiendo la ruta completa de Kriya, t�cnicas y filosof�a, exactamente como yo creo que el creador, Lahiri Mahasaya, la entendi�. Con este fin, investigu� cada posible fuente y compilado, ahorr�ndole el tiempo de buscar sin cesar y descifrar las instrucciones de diferentes escuelas de Kriya que est�n repartidas en todos los rincones de la Tierra. Algunas personas pueden preguntar, "�C�mo este libro difiere de la informaci�n presentada en varios sitios web?" No es el hecho de que no parte de esta informaci�n no pueda encontrarse en otros lugares. Se lo podr�a decir lo mismo de cualquier libro. Sin embargo, este libro le ahorra el tiempo de b�squeda, recolecci�n y el descifrar esta informaci�n por s� mismo. Es un libro aut�nomo. Todo lo que se necesita para alcanzar las metas m�s altas de Kriya est� en este libro. Algunos cuentan: "S�lo recib� mi libro ayer, y hasta ahora lo estoy disfrutando de verdad. Me cost� mucho acostarme ayer por la noche, y me qued� hasta mucho m�s tarde de lo que me deber�a haber quedado [leyendo]. Tengo la sensaci�n de que va a ser otra noche tarde esta noche."- M.B. "Me fue entregado ayer tu libro y quisiera darte las gracias por recopilar esta informaci�n de diversas fuentes....En resumen, gracias por tu libro. Estoy impresionado por el contenido y la presentaci�n."- Doctor M.

  • Sales Rank: #627024 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-06-12
  • Released on: 2015-06-12
  • Format: Kindle eBook

About the Author
A los nueve a�os, Stevens comenz� a asistir a los servicios dominicales de la escuela en un templo que ense�a Kriya Yoga. Tan pronto como lleg� a la edad permitida (17 a�os), finalmente recibi� la iniciaci�n en Kriya Yoga. En 1994, Stevens recibi� una licenciatura en F�sica por la Universidad de California, Los �ngeles (UCLA), como uno de los tres mejores estudiantes de la Facultad de F�sica. Pocos a�os despu�s de recibir su diploma, a Stevens se le ofreci� la inscripci�n instant�nea en un programa de postgrado de la UCLA, donde curs� estudios de Ingenier�a y fue profesor de f�sica de pregrado. Como todo verdadero buscador, permaneci� dedicado a sus pr�cticas de meditaci�n y en la b�squeda de vivir una vida recta, centrada en Dios. En la construcci�n de una carrera despu�s de la universidad, Stevens vivi� en varios pa�ses y tres continentes. Durante este tiempo aprendi� a dominar el idioma alem�n y tambi�n aprendi� conversaci�n en sueco, checo, espa�ol, y ruso. A trav�s de d�cadas de investigaci�n en historia de la religi�n y de la teor�a, tambi�n desarroll� la familiaridad suficiente para descifrar el s�nscrito. Al igual que Lahiri Mahasaya, es un cabeza de familia-marido. El suyo es un hogar lleno de amor y devoci�n a Dios efervescente. Adem�s de cumplir con sus responsabilidades familiares y el trabajo, Stevens ayuda a otros en su comunidad como un sacerdote Melquisedec ordenado.

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Serias recomendaciones para los que piensen practicar Kriya.
By David Sanchez
Soy iniciado en Kriya Yoga.Actualmente formo parte de SRF en Venezuela.Reconozco que hay muchas personas que dicen ser Kriyabanes y no se portan acordes con las ense�anzas del maestro.
El Libro tiene cosas buenas y tu intenci�n es maravillosa amigo Stevens y en eso te apoyo,quitar el velo de la ignorancia de la humanidad.Las t�cnicas son buenas,pero se te olvid� algo,el guru interno es la intuici�n,y como se desarrolla ese gur� interno???Yogananda lo explica a sus estudiantes. Yo recomiendo de todo coraz�n a las personas que se suscriban a las lecciones de SRF porque en ellas se ense�a de manera f�cil,did�ctica y practica como llevar una vida realizada y feliz.Es el mejor regalo que pudo hacer Babaji a trav�s de Paramahansa a la humanidad.
Por otra parte el vegetarianismo,la devoci�n a Dios,la iniciaci�n por un gur� es necesaria…Porque? Para poder llegar a niveles de conciencia superiores.Incluso hay muchos casos confirmados de personas que llegaron a la demencia por practicar sin la supervisi�n de un maestro espiritual fidedigno,ya que, entes oscuros ven la energ�a que se mueve con la t�cnica de kriya y al no tener la protecci�n de un guru es como lanzarse al oc�ano en medio de una tormenta s�lo porque sabe nadar,dudo que alguien con sentido com�n cometa esa locura.
En autobiograf�a de un yogi el maestro dice QUE EL KRIYA SEA TU GURU… el maestro nos indica el camino y como decimos,los atajos para llegar a Dios m�s r�pido,nos aclara las dudas y el �xito est� asegurado.El Dogma debe ser erradicado,solo el amor verdadero,la solidaridad,la pureza del coraz�n y el Kriya bien aplicado salvaran a la humanidad de la autodestrucci�n.
El Libro es bueno y las t�cnicas son muy bien explicadas,m�s repito sin un gu�a que te oriente es como ir al africa con mapa sin conocer su idioma,su tierra y sus costumbres.Este libro es como un mapa,pero faltan otros elementos indispensables si se quiere avanzar.Recomiendo Autobiografia de un Yogui, el Yoga Shidda de jesus.Por otra parte Yogananda Est� vivo y gu�a su obra a trav�s del esp�ritu inmortal,recuerda que el cuerpo muere m�s el alma es infinita.De que Yogananda est� en tu coraz�n y te gu�a en las acciones nobles que ejecutas eso no puede negarse.Bendiciones.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Excelente trabajo de J. Stevens!
El material incluye una meticulosa recopilaci�n de las t�cnicas de Kriya tal cual fueran impartidas por Lahiri Mahasaya y luego presentadas por Paramahansa Yoganada al mundo occidental. El autor, como bien se lee en el prefacio, obviamente por a�os realiz� la ardua labor de investigar y analizar los textos originales, y los expone en un libro-cuaderno de actividades f�cil de seguir.

Desde las primeras p�ginas el autor establece un camino conciso as� como ciertos principios �tiles a seguir. Por ejemplo, no tienes que renunciar a tu religi�n actual ni dejar de tener una vida en familia ya que como �l lo dice, el estilo de vida de familia y obligaciones de trabajo, al ser m�s dif�cil fortalecer� la mente, siendo cualidad necesaria para progresar con Kriya.

El libro parece estar destinado tanto al principiante como a quien haya sido iniciado previamente, y desee profundizar en su pr�ctica. Altamente recomendable.
Dra S. M. Barcelona, Espa�a

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Este libro que tanto he esperado, finalmente ha llegado
By Carolina Rivero
Es para aqu�llos de nosotros que por a�os hemos estado en la b�squeda de la paz interior, intentado progresar en la pr�ctica de la meditaci�n, pero tambi�n para el principiante que no conoce nada del tema, pero que posee dentro de s�, el anhelo de encontrar un camino hacia la iluminaci�n.
Es interesante destacar, que el libro tiene un cuaderno de actividades para que una persona de hoy d�a, (tanto el principiante como alguien experimentado) pueda llevar una vida de obligaciones familiares y de trabajo, y al mismo tiempo logre avanzar en el camino de su espiritualidad.
Al principio y al leer la descripci�n del libro, debo confesar que ten�a mis dudas. Sin embargo, la autenticidad y sinceridad del contenido me atrap� y sedujo de manera irrevocable. Las revelaciones aqu� presentadas son m�s valiosas que cualquier ganancia material o monetaria que se pueda imaginar.

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Secretos Revelados de Kriya Yoga (Spanish Edition), by J Stevens PDF

Secretos Revelados de Kriya Yoga (Spanish Edition), by J Stevens PDF
Secretos Revelados de Kriya Yoga (Spanish Edition), by J Stevens PDF

Jumat, 20 Maret 2015

[C139.Ebook] PDF Download Black FamiliesFrom Brand: SAGE Publications, Inc

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Black FamiliesFrom Brand: SAGE Publications, Inc

Following the success of its best-selling predecessors, the Fourth Edition of Harriette Pipes McAdoo's Black Families retains several now classic contributions while including updated versions of earlier chapters and many entirely new chapters. The goal through each revision of this core text has been to compile a book that focuses on positive dimensions of African American families. The book remains the most complete assessment of black families available in both depth and breadth of coverage. Cross-disciplinary in nature, the book boasts contributions from such fields as family studies, anthropology, education, psychology, social work, and public policy.

  • Sales Rank: #610891 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: SAGE Publications, Inc
  • Published on: 2006-08-10
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .87" w x 6.00" l, 1.13 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 384 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

About the Author
Harriette Pipes McAdoo is a University Distinguished Professor at Michigan State University, Department of Family and Child Ecology.� Previously, she was Professor at Howard University in the School of Social Work and Visiting Lecturer at Smith College, the University of Washington, and the University of Minnesota.� She is a Director of the Groves Conference on Marriage and the Family; was a National Adviser to the President of the White House Conference on Families; was former President and Board Member of the National Council on Family Relations; and was a member of the Governing Council of the Society for Research in Child Development.� She was the first person honored by the National Council on Family Relations with the Marie Peters Award for Outstanding Scholarship, Leadership, and Service in the Area of Ethnic Minority Families.� Dr. McAdoo received her B.A. and M.A. from Michigan State University and her Ph.D. from the University of Michigan, and she has done post-doctoral studies at Harvard University.� She has published on racial attitudes and self-esteem in young children, Black mobility patterns, coping strategies of single mothers, and professional Kenyan women and HIV/AIDS in Zimbabwe.� She is editor of Black Children: Social, Educational, and Parental Environments, Second Edition (2002, SAGE) and Family Ethnicity: Strength in Diversity, Second Edition (1999, SAGE), as well as Young Families, Program Review, and Policy Recommendations.� She is coauthor of Women and Children, Alonge and in Poverty.� She has four children and four grandchildren.

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Black Families the Best book on the African American history from slavery to the Present Time.
By Jessica Ward
Excellent read! Very educational and the research was very useful. I learned much more after reading this book than I thought I knew in the 64 years of learning during my life time.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Great Book!
By Charles Williams
An excellent book for undergraduate students who are interested in exploring the fascinating complexities of the Black Family in a multiracial society.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
By Philey
Textbook for class. Some good stuff in their. Kinda expensive though. I only used it a few times and wish i rented it.

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Kamis, 19 Maret 2015

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The Crystal Skull, by Manda Scott

The date is set. Time is running out.

In a spellbinding blend of history, myth, and science, bestselling novelist Manda Scott unleashes a thriller that sweeps from the secrets of the Mayans to the court of a sixteenth-century queen to a shattering end-times prophecy.

Ancient lore predicts the end of the world with chilling precision: 21 December 2012. But the prophecies provide the key to stopping Armageddon: a flawless sapphire carved into the perfect likeness of a human skull.

One woman has inherited the skull’s legacy of deadly secrets, intrigue, and murder. Can she crack the only code that could save the world?

  • Sales Rank: #2082286 in Books
  • Published on: 2009-02-24
  • Released on: 2009-02-24
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 6.90" h x .98" w x 4.18" l,
  • Binding: Mass Market Paperback
  • 464 pages

From Publishers Weekly
Edgar nominee Scott (No Good Deed) mixes adventure, supernatural phenomena and cryptography to create a fast-paced supernatural thriller. Mayan apocalyptic astronomical documents chillingly predict that the world will end on December 21, 2012, unless 13 crystal skulls are reunited. Cedric Owen, a 16th-century scholar and physician whose family has safeguarded one of the skulls from time unknown, struggles to unlock the jewel's secrets and arrange for its safety. Nearly five centuries later, newlyweds Stella Cody and Kit O'Connor unlock Owen's cipher and track the skull to its hiding place, only to find themselves caught up in a global struggle between the keepers of the skulls and those who are determined to destroy them and bring about the end of the world. Stella and Kit's race to prevent the apocalypse turns into a life-threatening, heart-pounding battle between good and evil. (Apr.)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

“One of the boldest recent adventures in historical fiction.”–Independent

“A nail-biting tour de force.” —Guardian

“Original, imaginative, scary, rooted in the past but as current as tomorrow’s nightmare.” —Lee Child

From the Back Cover
21.12.12 The date is set. Time is running out.

Hidden for four centuries, a crystal skull of exquisite beauty has just been found by Stella Cody, who also inherits its legacy of dark secrets, intrigue and murder.

Facing an increasingly implacable enemy, Stella and her lover, Kit, struggle to crack the code that hides the skull’s intended resting place.

Their search takes them from the intellectual rigour of Cambridge University to the untamed wildness of England’s prehistoric stone circles.

But time is against them, and they have only days – hours – left to uncover the secret that may yet save the world.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Did Not Expect It Read So Well
By frosty
Although this is fiction inspired by the non-fiction Crystal Skulls books, it's a who-dunnit that kept me guessing up until the very end.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
crystal skull
By Reikime
Very informative. Somewhat unbelievable at times, and yet. . . Who knows?

Good book, well-written, great photos.

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
The Crystal Skull
By Patricia Sevcik
I have just discovered this writer. She really writes well fabout strong and intelligent women. If you haven't read her series on Boudica, you should. 4 books available through Amazon.

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[(George, the Drummer Boy )] [Author: Nathaniel Benchley] [Oct-1999], by Nathaniel Benchley

  • Published on: 1999-10-01
  • Binding: Hardcover

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Jumat, 06 Maret 2015

[T834.Ebook] Free PDF Calculus: A Liberal Art (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics), by W.M. Priestley

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Calculus: A Liberal Art (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics), by W.M. Priestley

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Calculus: A Liberal Art (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics), by W.M. Priestley

Presenting mathematics as forming a natural bridge between the humanities and the sciences, this book makes calculus accessible to those in the liberal arts. Much of the necessary geometry and algebra are exposed through historical development, and a section on the development of calculus offers insights into the place of mathematics in the history of thought.

  • Sales Rank: #801872 in Books
  • Published on: 1998-04-23
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.21" h x 1.00" w x 6.14" l, 1.61 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 404 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

25 of 26 people found the following review helpful.
Great Survey of the Calculus
By Kindle Customer
Priestley's work is a gem in that it incorporates the full-orbed liberal arts approach to the calculus. Professor Priestley places the differential and integral calculus in the context of history (the best methodology for teaching any aspect of mathematics). You will also find a good number of brain-expanding exercises and real world applications strategically placed in the text. This book is a "must-have" text for any teacher of mathematics and for a student who desires to understand the calculus in the context of history, science, philosophy, and literature. This is education at its best!

9 of 9 people found the following review helpful.
Conceptual introduction to calculus.
By Muthukumar U
I have worked through the book myself and can report that I have not come away with any of the negative impressions reviewer Blasjo is talking about. In any case, the rigorous development of calculus has been an evolutionary process with the big ideas having come first, and the logical support developed later. And any serious student of calculus will agree that new concepts and subtleties have to be mastered in the course of study, usually starting with incomprehension gradually giving way to illumination.

This book is unique in the way it presents the *concepts* of calculus and ties it with the historical development of the subject. The exercises should be worked on thoughtfully and even when right answers are obtained some time should be allotted to thinking why the solution works and what is it in the structure of the problem that makes the solution right. Maths is hard work and this books give excellent direction to the effort expected of the student.

And I do not see why advanced topics should be left out of the book purposely. One needs to realise that if we waited for full understanding of any subject before we can start using it, then we will have to wait forever. I believe a lot of cutting-edge mathematics research tries to answer the seemingly elementary question "What is a number?". Surely, we all have a functional understanding that is good enough to master the maths at our individual levels, although the concept of a number can get tricky when thought about very fundamentally. And we are conscious that a deeper understanding is possible if more time is invested, but we accept as adequate the present understanding as long as it is coherent with the maths the student knows thus far. Seen this way, I have no problems with analysis level material kept out of the book, the same way full blown Shakespeare's works are kept out Grade 1 textbooks.

This book has a lot of value to deliver to the intelligent student not trained in mathematics, but with an aptitude for it.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Wonderful approach
By Mary Priestley
Creative, engaging approach to a complex, intriguing subject!

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Calculus: A Liberal Art (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics), by W.M. Priestley PDF

Calculus: A Liberal Art (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics), by W.M. Priestley PDF
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Kamis, 05 Maret 2015

[L275.Ebook] PDF Ebook Mr. Popper's Penguins

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Mr. Popper's Penguins

Mr. Popper dreams about leaving his boring life and going on an adventure to the Antarctic. When the legendary Admiral Drake sends him a live penguin in response to his letter, he is thrilled. Very soon, he also receives a female companion for his penguin and they have 10 children. But Mr. Popper has enough trouble supporting his human family, and so he has the idea to take his penguins to the stage. Soon, Mr. Popper is up to his ears in adventure as he tries to manage 12 performing penguins and the trouble they inevitably get into. Mr. Popper's Penguins remains a classic, read and remembered by generations of loyal fans. Now, 70 years after its publication, it will be given a fresh new voice as an audiobook to attract a new generation of listeners.

  • Sales Rank: #1317418 in Books
  • Published on: 2008-04-01
  • Binding: Audio CD

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Meggan
Great addition to the listening center for students and reluctant readers.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Zaza
A family favorite and now my grandson is reading this classic

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Mark D. Pfau

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Selasa, 03 Maret 2015

[Z855.Ebook] Ebook Recent Advances in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering and Microzonation (Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering)From Sprin

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Recent Advances in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering and Microzonation (Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering)From Sprin

Recent Advances in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering and Microzonation (Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering)From Sprin

Ebook Recent Advances in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering and Microzonation (Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering)From Sprin

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Recent Advances in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering and Microzonation (Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering)From Sprin

Outstanding advances have been achieved on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering and Microzonation in the last decade mostly due to the increase in the recorded instrumental in-situ data and large number of case studies conducted in analyzing the observed effects during the recent major earthquakes. During the 15th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering held in Istanbul in August 2001, the Technical Committee of Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, (TC4) of the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering organised a regional seminar on Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Microzonation where an effort has been made to present the recent advances in the field by eminent scientists and researchers. The book idea was first suggested by the participants of this seminar. The purpose of this book as well as of the seminar was to present the broad spectrum of earthquake geotechnical engineering and seismic microzonation including strong ground motion, site characterisation, site effects, liquefaction, seismic microzonation, solid waste landfills and foundation engineering. The subject matter requires multidisciplinary input from different fields of engineering seismology, soil dynamics, geotechnical and structural engineering. The chapters in this book are prepared by some of the distinguished lecturers who took part in the seminar supplemented with contributions of few distinguished experts in the field of earthquake geotechnical engineering. The editor would like to express his gratitude to all authors for their interest and efforts in preparing their manuscripts. Without their enthusiasm and support, it would not have been possible to complete this book.

  • Sales Rank: #13192148 in Books
  • Published on: 2006-11-14
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: .84" h x 6.54" w x 9.74" l, 1.78 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 354 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Absolutely outstanding
By Ahmet Burak Goktepe
I strongly recommend this book to every engineer studying on eartquake geotechnics. In detail, it focuses on the microzonation concept in deep. I reserve a special place for this book in my scientific feedback as well as Kramer's and Ishihara's valuable contributions.

See all 1 customer reviews...

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Recent Advances in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering and Microzonation (Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering)From Sprin PDF

Recent Advances in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering and Microzonation (Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering)From Sprin PDF
Recent Advances in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering and Microzonation (Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering)From Sprin PDF