Minggu, 13 Mei 2012

[C224.Ebook] Free Ebook Doorways in the Sand, by Roger Zelazny

Free Ebook Doorways in the Sand, by Roger Zelazny

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Doorways in the Sand, by Roger Zelazny

Doorways in the Sand, by Roger Zelazny

Doorways in the Sand, by Roger Zelazny

Free Ebook Doorways in the Sand, by Roger Zelazny

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Doorways in the Sand, by Roger Zelazny

Hugo nominated science fiction novel, originally published in serial form in Analog Science Fiction. The book is dedicated to Isaac Asimov.

  • Sales Rank: #391999 in Books
  • Published on: 1976-03
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 185 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
... when it was new and missed for years--still a good
By Meri F. Clason
A book I had when it was new and missed for years--still a good read

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Benjamin B.

13 of 14 people found the following review helpful.
Third Gargoyle From The End
By Marc Ruby™
If you haven't read any Roger Zelazny it's about time you got started. He was one of the best science fiction writers of the late 20th Century, and arguably one of the great ones of any time. His scope and output are immense, and he is one of the most consistent of writers, always trying out new ideas and making them work. Doorways in the Sand was written in the same era as Lord of Light and the early Amber books and while it is not well known, it is brilliant in its own right.

Fred Cassidy has a gimmick - the terms of his scholarship guarantee that it will continue until he completes a degree. And so, for the past thirteen years Fred has managed to stay a full time student and carefully evade the conditions for graduation. Suddenly, though, his carefree lifestyle has become more complicated at a recent party a copy of the Star Stone - an interplanetary relic that has been gifted to earth as part of a diplomatic exchange -- disappears. Only it turns out that the copy isn't a copy, but the real thing. Now no one knows where it is, but it's gone, and everyone from organleggers to policemen dressed in wombat suits are chasing after Fred.

Worse, Fred keeps getting subliminal messages that may or may not be well intentioned. With the galactic future of the Earth at stake, Fred's only resource is his ability to climb anything with more than one story. Fortunately this stands him in good stead, since he must spend a good deal of his time escaping. Just ask yourself how you would feel in the grasp of a giant, telepathic slime mold.

It was a real treat to reread Doorways in the Sand after all this time. This was an era where an author could stop long enough for his characters to have a philosophical discussion and a glass of iso-whiskey. Zelazny's books are usually intelligent, and Fred's circumstances are such that only his mind and his skill at leaping tall buildings will get him out of the mess. Having delayed my graduation as long as I could as well, I find Fred highly sympathetic. And if you have ever wished that life could be one long string of research projects and beer parties you will find him a kindred soul as well.

See all 33 customer reviews...

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Doorways in the Sand, by Roger Zelazny PDF

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