Minggu, 24 Maret 2013

[U937.Ebook] Download Ebook Communication Technology Update and Fundamentals: 15th EditionFrom Routledge

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Communication Technology Update and Fundamentals: 15th EditionFrom Routledge

Communication Technology Update and Fundamentals: 15th EditionFrom Routledge

Communication Technology Update and Fundamentals: 15th EditionFrom Routledge

Download Ebook Communication Technology Update and Fundamentals: 15th EditionFrom Routledge

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Communication Technology Update and Fundamentals: 15th EditionFrom Routledge

Communication Technology Update and Fundamentals has set the standard as the single best resource for students and professionals looking to brush up on how communication technologies have developed, grown, and converged, as well as what’s in store for the future. The 15th edition is completely updated, reflecting the changes that have swept the communication industries. The first five chapters offer the communication technology fundamentals, including the ecosystem, the history, and structure―then delves into each of about two dozen technologies, including mass media, computers, consumer electronics, and networking technologies. Each chapter is written by experts who provide snapshots of the state of each individual field. Together, these updates provide a broad overview of these industries, as well as the role communication technologies play in our everyday lives. In addition to substantial updates to each chapter, the 15th edition includes:

  • First-ever chapters on Big Data and the Internet of Things
  • Updated user data in every chapter
  • Projections of what each technology will become by 2031
  • Suggestions on how to get a job working with the technologies discussed
  • The companion website, www.tfi.com/ctu, offers updated information on the technologies covered in this text, as well as links to other resources

  • Sales Rank: #169016 in Books
  • Published on: 2016-08-03
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.75" h x 8.50" w x .75" l, 1.75 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 322 pages

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Communication Technology Update and Fundamentals: 15th EditionFrom Routledge PDF

Communication Technology Update and Fundamentals: 15th EditionFrom Routledge PDF

Communication Technology Update and Fundamentals: 15th EditionFrom Routledge PDF
Communication Technology Update and Fundamentals: 15th EditionFrom Routledge PDF

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